As part of Android’s 10 year celebration, we illustrated an energetic scene filled with brand references, developed an online game and designed an event activation.

Illustrating a decade

Our dense cityscape was stuffed full of Android jokes and easter eggs to be found. Some easier, like the Pixel smartphone building, to the niche gem of when their original mascot was stolen from outside their office.

Competitive jetpack flying

As a further celebration, we created an addictive online game where you had to jetpack as far as possible before running out of fuel. Collecting Android related objects refueled, just watch out for the bugs!

We’ll do it live

Breaking out into the real world we printed our illustration as a commemorative poster and giant step and repeat photo opportunity at the San Francisco Android Dev Summit.

We designed a 3D jetpack to wear as guests stood between prop clouds and the illustration printed 4.5m wide to get their perfect Instagram shot.