Welcome to GramaNews September Issue #19, featuring Exhibits, Films, and things that make you go "OH WOW, THAT'S COOL".
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Things We've Seen - Exhibits, Films, Work
The Bear - TV
"Binge-worthy, high-intensity TV show following a cook doing things I would never do myself. Living vicariously through it - watch out though, it makes you hungry." - Cedd
Are You Mad - Work
"Something to watch for sure - this new environmental collective opened a SOHO pop-up least year and haven't slowed down. In the essence of Barbie, take your plastic and make it fantastic" - Rich
SmartLess - Podcast
"Funny, informal podcast with Will Arnett (Bojack), Jason Bateman & Sean Hayes chatting breeze with amazing guests like Obama, Spielberg, Simon Pegg & more" - Cedd
Pavilion Works x London Underground - Work
“Really like the visuals that director Theo Rhys & DoP Oliver Ford achieved with this. Dream client too" - Sophie

Corr, What a Tune
Tuff sludge metal from the early 90's. Perfect noise for the looming darkness of the coming months. - Ben Corr, Creative

Marko's Movie of the Month
La Chimera- Directed by
"LOVED IT. Sorry it isn't out yet" - Marko Steinberg, Director

Quote of the Month
“What face conditioner do you use?”
- Cedd Mumby, Marketing

Things We've Seen - "WOW THATS COOL"
Each month we delve into various brands, inventions, and ideas around a theme. For this month, we're looking at things that made you go "Wow, thats cool". Take a look!
ca·pùt, Lorenzo Gironi & Bennet Pimpinella
“They shoot footage on film and added effects on film. It's a proper art of craft." - Luba
Surreal Loops, Joe Pease
“They're lofi looking but also extremely complex and detailed collages that draw you into new details on each watch.” - Ben
New Balance x Basement Ad, NO-ID
"Wow, thats cool!" - Sophie
Photography, Michele Poirier Mozzone
"Contemporary figurative paintings exploring the transformative effect of sunlight and water on humans." - Kate

All Things Ana
Ana Tapia joined Gramafilm just two years ago, but she quickly became the heart of company culture. Unfortunately, our Quiz Queen is leaving us for Spain and we say goodbye to her with heavy hearts. We love you Ana!

Welcome Google Ads!
We're delighted to welcome Google Ads as a brand new client! Director Marko & Luba were hot on the case for our first film, watch this space.